Friday 18 November 2011

Elphaba Thropp:
-Born with green skin, black hair, sharp teeth, and very afraid of water
-Older sister of Nessarose
-Grew up in the Quadling Country
-Befriends Galinda at Shiz University
-Cares very much about The Animals, Animal Rights Activist
-She then becomes the Wicked Witch of the West in the future

Galinda Upland:
-Part of the high society in Gillikin
-Elphaba's roomate. She dislikes her at first but they then become good friends
-Her name was originally Galinda, then she referred to herself as Glinda
-Behaves snobby and mean,
-Becomes the Good Witch of the North in the future

Nessarose Thropp:
-Younger sister of Elphaba
-Supposedly favourite child of Frexspar Thropp
-Born with no arms, so she is unable to balance without help
-Unionist like her father
-Also attends Shiz University
-Could possibly be the daughter of Turtle Hear and not Frexspar

Madame Morrible:
-Headmistress of Shiz University's Crage Hall, which Glinda and Elphaba attend
-Suspected that she is responsible for Doctor Dillamond's death

Doctor Dillamond:
-Talking goat and Professor at Crage Hall in Shiz University
-With Elphaba's help he researches the differences between animals and Animals
-He is murdered by a slit throat, and it is suspected that Madame Morrible made her servant Grommetik kill him in order to keep his findings secret

Melena and Frexspar Thropp:
-Elphaba's, Nessarose and Shell's parents
-Melena dies shortly after Shell's birth
-Melena had an affair with Turtle Heart, and Nessarose could be the daughter of Melena and Turtle Heart
-Melena had mostly pagan traditions while Frexspar was
-She drank alcohol very often, and ate pinlobble leaves which act as a tranquilizer 
-Frex is a unionist priest, and has passed on his religious beliefs to Nessarose
-Elphaba believes that Frex favours Nessarose over his other children
 " 'Your fathers favourite?'
 'Oh thats easy', said Elphaba, jumping up and finding her books on her shelf, and getting ready to run out and stop the coversation in its tracks. 'That's Nessarose. You'll see why when you meet her. She'd be anyone's favourite.'" (136)

Nanny and Ama Clutch:
-Nanny is part of the Thropp family, although it is never said if she is related by blood or she is employed by them
-She is the caretaker of Nessarose, and the chaperone of Nessarose, Elphaba and Glinda (when Ama Clutch dies) at Shiz University
-She speaks her mind and it seems as though she is not afraid to do so
-Ama Clutch is Galinda's chaperone
-She loses her sanity when she witnesses the death of Doctor Dillamond
 " 'She reached a shaky hand out to the nail and picked it up and held it in her palm, tenderly and she talked to it' " (129)

Fiyero Tiggular:
-He is the prince of the Arjiki tribe in the Vinkus
-Meets Elphaba at Shiz University, and later has an affair with her