Friday 13 January 2012

Frexspar Thropp
Melena Thropp
Elphaba Tropp
Turtle Heart

-Elphaba Thropp is born, with green skin, and sharp teeth.
-Nanny arrives, and starts to question Melena about the father of Elphaba. Melena then starts drinking and Frex leaves town to spread word about the "Unnamed God", and Nanny goes back to her home.
-The year after while Frex is still away, a glassblower from the Quadling Country named Turtle Heart came to Melena's house, and she invited him inside. He blew a glass reflecting ball for Elphaba, and he later has an affair with Melena while Frex is away.
-Frex returns from his trip, and Turtle Heart is still in the house, but Frex does not assume that anything is going on between them.
-Frex tells Turtle Heart how he sees the Land of Oz, compared to how Turtle Heart sees the Land of Oz, since Turtle Heart has not been to many places, so he only knows what they would look like on a map, or what he has heard from other people.
-Nanny returns and decides to take Elphaba out to play with other little children, but Mariam is afraid for her child to be outside without her.
"Slow and deliberate as Elphaba is, at least she's unharmed here! I may not be able to summon much maternal warmth, but i feed her, Nanny, and I keep her from hurting herself! How cruel, to inflict the outside world onher! A green child will be an open invitation for scorn and abuse." (Maguire, 48).
-Nanny and Melena end up taking Elphaba to Rush Margins, and took her to a house full of children. She almost ends up biting one of them with her sharp teeth.
-After, Frex moved out again, and he was gone for multiple days at a time. Nanny started to question Melena and Frex's relationship, and figured out that she and Turtle Heart were having an affair. Once she realized this, Nanny started to question what Melena knew about Turtle Heart, and if she really knew him, like she knew Frex.
-Turtle Heart tells the story of why he left the Quadling Country, and this was because of "horrors", (which also happens to be Elphaba's first word). The horrors that Turtle Heart speaks of is how workers from Emerald City are ruining the Quadling Country, by putting in roads, and getting rid of plants.
-Frex suggests moving out of Munchkinland and going to Quadling Country, and Melena then tells him at that moment that she is pregnant so she doesn't plan on going anywhere. Yet, Melena did not know if the father was Frex or Turtle Heart, and the question is not really answered throughout the rest of the novel, but I assumed that the father was Turtle Heart.
-Nanny tells Melena that she got a special elixr to make sure that her second baby does not turn out to be green. The lady who gave Nanny this elixr is called "Yackle" and she predicted that there would be greatness for Melena's children.
"She said Elphaba will be more than you credit, and your second will follow suit. She said not to give up on your life. She said history waits to be written, and this family has a part in it." (Maguire, 59)

"Boys study, girls know, That's the way that lessons go. Boys learn, girls forget, That's the way of lessons yet. Gilikinese are sharp as knives, Munchkinlanders lead corny lives, Glikkuns beat their ugle wives, Winkies swarm in sticky hives. But the Quadling,  Oh the Quadlings, Slimy stupid curse-at-godlings, Eat their young and bury their old, A day before their bodies get cold. Give me an apple and I'll say it again." (Maguire, 53)
This quote was said by Nanny before she questioned Melena about how much she really knew about Turtle Heart, it was an old nursery rhyme.

"Perhaps, thought Nanny, little green Elphaba chose her own sex, and her own color, and to hell with her parents." (Maguire, 31)

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