Wednesday 18 January 2012


Doctor Dillamond
Madame Morrible
Ama Clutch
Boq and Avaric
Crope and Tibbett

-Galinda is on a train on the way to Shiz University. She sits next to Doctor Dillamond who is a Goat, and a professor at Shiz University.
-Ama Clutch, her minder, was going to join her in a few days because she had stepped on a nail before getting onto the train. Because of this, Galinda was forced to room with Elphaba.
-When Ama Clutch arrives, she does not care that Elphaba's skin is green, unlike Galinda.
" 'Odd, isn't it? I thought all Munchkinlanders were tiny. She's a proper height, though. I guess they come in a variety of sizes. Oh, are you bothered by the green? Well, it might do you some good, if you let it. If you let it. You affect worldly airs, Galinda, but you don't know the world yet. I think it's a lark. Why not? Why ever not?' "(Maguire, 71)
-Galinda had friends that did not know who her roommate was, and she was embarrased to tell them because they had a high social status. But Galinda's friends already knew who Elphaba was, and what she looked like, and they began gossiping about her. But Elphaba did not care.

Madame Morrible

-Elphaba and Galinda had become friends by spending more and more time together in their room.
-At a poetry soiree, Madame Morrible invited boys from Three Queens and Ozma Towers. That is where Galinda met Boq, whom recognized Elphaba from the daycare her Nanny and mother took her too when she was a child.
-During one of Doctor Dillamond's classes he told his class how the Wizard of Oz proclaimed Banns of Animal Mobility, so the Animals were not allowed to travel, and Animals coming of age were prohibited from working in the professions or the public sector. They would instead be herded back to the wild.
-"The Goat closed his eyes. 'I'm not married, Miss Galinda. But I might be. Or I may. Or perhaps I have nieces and nephews. They have already been banned effectively from studying at Shiz because they can't hold a pencil to write an essay with. How many Animals have you ever seen in this paradise of education?' Well, it was true; there were none." (Maguire, 89) 
-Boq has a crush on Galinda, so Elphaba tries to get them together. But Galinda tells Boq that she will not be more than friends with him because they have two different cultures and she also told him he is too short, because he is from Munchkinland.


-Elphaba tells Boq about how her mother died after she gave birth to a boy named Shell, and soon Nessarose will be at Shiz University. Elphaba is helping Doctor Dillamond determine by science what the real differences are between animal and Animal tissue, and then Animal and human tissue. If they can prove that there is no inherent difference between humans and Animals then, Elphaba believes that the Banns on Animal Mobility will be removed. Boq agreed to help Elphaba and Doctor Dillamond secretly.
-Doctor Dillamond was murdered.
"The girls all shrieked and Ama Vimp ran forward to tuck the blanket down, but in the sunlight all had looked down and seen the twisted shoulder and back-thrown head of Doctor Dillamond. His throat was still knotted with congealed ropes of black blood, where it had been slit as thoroughly as if he had wandered into an abattoir." (Maguire, 128)
-Ama Clutch ended up in the hospital because she had seen the murder and eventually she started going crazy and seeing hallucinations.
-The story that the students were told was that he had broken a magnifying glass and fell against it, and cut an artery in the process, yet no one truly believed it.
-After, Nessarose arrived at Shiz University with Nanny. Galinda then changed her name to Glinda in honour of Doctor Dillamond. When she first met him, he was unable to pronounce her name correctly, and would always call her Glinda. Glinda then took up sorcery.

Cowardly Lion

-A new professor, Doctor Nikidik brings in a lion cub and asks the class if the lion was an animal or Animal. Immediately, Elphaba asks him where his mother is, and notices how terrified it is. Two girls then stole the lion and ran out of the room. The baby lion then went on to be the Cowardly Lion from Wizard of Oz.
-Nessarose gets a pair of silver shoes from her father as a gift, and they will soon be the ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz. Elphaba does not get anything from her father which supports her theory that her father loved Nessarose most.
-"Elphaba drove her fingers through the curlicues of shavings. There was nothing in the box, nothing for her." (Maguire, 149)
-Ama Clutch was in the hospital still, and when Glinda and Elphaba went to visit her, she was on her deathbed. She told Glinda that Grommetik was the one who killed Doctor Dillamond for Madame Morrible. After that, she died.
-Madame Morrible tried to convince Nessarose, Glinda, and Elphaba to become one of the Wizard's "ambassador of peace". Elphaba will go to Munckinland (east), Glinda will go to the Gilikin (north), and Nessarose will go to the Quadling Country (south). Madame Morrible then puts a spell on them which makes them unable to speak to one another about her proposition.

Glinda and Elphaba in
Emerald City

-Elphaba and Glinda then travelled to Emerald City, where they met with the Wizard and plead the case of the Animals. But the Wizard ignores them and they have to return to Shiz. But, Elphaba stays behind and makes Glinda go on her own, and tells Glinda that they can never see eachother again.

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